Frequently Asked Questions on CCG and its membership:

1. We have been studying CCG material and want to know more about CCG. Who or what is CCG?

Christian Churches of God or CCG is a worldwide church organisation comprised of many national churches registered in many nations throughout the world. More are being admitted to and licensed by the World Conference of the Christian Churches of God for operation in nations. We have churches in Africa, Asia, America, Australasia, and Europe. National church groups are forming from individual study groups in each nation. Some nations such as the USA have national churches, but sometimes no church exists in a particular state. In the same way, nations in Europe or Africa or Asia may have no national church formed as yet. In such cases small study groups may form and the World Conference will assist the formation of a ministry and an administration in each country. If you are alone in an area, do not be discouraged, as it is only a matter of time before you will be joined in your area. The advantage you have is that you are one of the founding members in your area for the church.

CCG is governed by a world body, and various national bodies, all operating under the Constitution of the Church. The Constitution (A2) is a uniform piece of legislation that ensures honest and fully accountable administration worldwide.

We are also subject to a Statement of Beliefs of the Christian Faith (A1), which lists the common beliefs of the church. Adherence to the beliefs contained in the Statement is necessary for fellowship with the church.

2. Does the Statement of Beliefs cover everything that the church teaches?

No. The Statement of Beliefs covers only the core beliefs of the Christian Faith essential to fellowship with the church.

3. Do I have to believe everything the church teaches right away before I can attend or remain with it?

It is not essential to be fully in agreement with everything that the church teaches that is not covered by the Statement. However, if you do not understand or as yet agree, you are expected not to openly reject or teach against such matters. Rather, you should ask questions in a polite manner and provide any coherent arguments you may have to the church authorities for examination.

4. There is so much to study. Do I have to do so much study?

Private study and research is encouraged. Each person can study and progress at his or her own pace. The church provides assistance to all people in the study of the faith. The core doctrines and requirements of the faith are contained in the Statement of Beliefs and everyone is expected to comply with the system contained in that book.

5. We have attended churches before and never been asked to agree with anything or join the church. Why should CCG be any different?

CCG is an international church body of registered incorporated associations. They are incorporated for the legal protection of their members. The members of CCG actually own their church unlike most other church bodies in the world. For that reason, they are required to agree with and comply with a series of rules and beliefs. These rules and beliefs are designed to protect the church from intrusion and takeover by people not in agreement with their beliefs and hostile to their administration. CCG differs from other churches of God in this regard. They are also aware of the need to defend their organisation.

6. My old church did not have a constitution or allow me a vote. Only the ministry voted and we were told what to do. Why can't CCG be like that?

If you came from one of the churches of God, you may well have been taken in by corrupt practices in the Churches. For example the senior ministry of the Radio/Worldwide Church of God engaged in one of the greatest corporate frauds in the history of the Churches of God from 1969. Under Herbert Armstrong, the old Constitution of the Church was done away with by fraud. A referendum was fraudulently asserted to have taken place and the church was made a sole proprietary corporation. The members were not told about this change and the assets of the church were in effect transferred into sole ownership. This fraud could only have been effected with the knowledge and consent of the senior ministry.

CCG is dedicated to ensuring the church is not taken over by such corrupt practice and that such corrupt ministry cannot appropriate the ownership of the church.

7. My church says that the ministry are members of the church and that the laity are members of the body of Christ and not the church. Is that right?

Some churches vest ownership of the church in the hands of a few ministers or shareholders. The leaders are elected by and from the small groups of ministers or shareholders exercising control. This explanation is dressing up the fact that anyone not being allowed to vote in the operations and election of the church, has no say in its ownership or control. It may well be that the laity are the only members of the body of Christ in that organisation but not because they are denied ownership and control of the organisation. If you are not eligible for membership in the church you attend you own nothing of its system and you are not members of the organisation. You are simply paying attendees with no future say in the operation of the church. You should ask the vital questions as to who holds the assets and financial control of the church and how are they appointed. If you have no say now or in the future, you should get out and find the organisation adhering to Biblical law and the teachings of Christ and go to them as fast as you can.

For this reason, CCG has a system in place for joining the church and having a say in its operation and control. No one can take over CCG without the knowledge and consent by vote of the majority of its members.

8. I do not agree with some key points of the Statement of Beliefs but can I attend anyway.

All organisations have a constitution either written or implied and most have a set of rules under which they operate. No one can join the local golf club for example without agreeing on the rules of golf. The same goes for tennis or bowling clubs and any other body operating according to rules and belief.

If you do not agree with the worship of the one true God for example, there is no place in CCG for such a view. If you do not agree with the days of worship, you would not have a place among us either. The calendar also must be agreed upon or you would be keeping different days. Agreement is thus fundamental on those key issues to enable fellowship.

9. I do not like being screened by anybody. I never had to in other organisations so why should I have to comply with those rules?

The answer is simple. In other organisations you had no prospect of valid membership and it did not matter whether you agreed or not. You were simply a prospective paying attendee whose opinion had no effect on the operation of the church.

In CCG there is a procedure required to process new attendees and start them on a process to full adult membership, with all the legal privileges that entails.

CCG membership is by invitation after a qualifying period. Its members value it as an organisation and are committed to protecting it on an ongoing basis. The completion of a qualifying period does not automatically confer any rights to membership which is at the discretion of the World Conference Membership Committee on National Conference recommendation.

10. I don't know enough to commit myself yet to the membership process. What can I do to learn more and attend services?

Answer: You can study with us and have your questions answered by our ministry. This can be accomplished within our Guest and Co-worker status. This will enable you to attend Feasts and Services with us whilst you are genuinely engaged in learning from us.

11. OK how do I start?

Answer: Fill out the online Fellowship or Co-Worker form and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible.